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Aantal resultaten: 110( DE:"demografische kenmerken" )


Who is the male homosexual? A computer-mediated exploratory study of gay male bulletin board system (BBS) users in New York City  / Daniel S. Nieto.

Journal of Homosexuality, 30 (1996) 4, p. 97-124
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 30 (1996) 4 , p. 97-124
samenvatting: Exploratief onderzoek naar algemene demografische kenmerken van homomannen die gebruik maken van een Bulletin Board in New York City.

signatuur: ts.

Who is the male homosexual? A computer-mediated exploratory study of gay male bulletin board system (BBS) users in New York City
Daniel S. Nieto.
Journal of Homosexuality

Demographic and Sexual Behavior Comparisons of Indian and U.S. Internet Samples of Men who have Sex with Men  / Seth Welles ... [et al.].

International Journal of Sexual Health, 23 (2011) 2 (apr-june), p. 90-101
bron: International Journal of Sexual Health jaargang: 23 (2011) 2 (apr-june), p. 90-101
samenvatting: Data were collected via the Internet on sexual behaviors of Indian men who have sex with men (MSM; n = 171); these data were compared to online American MSM (n = 682). Among Indian MSM, 51% had never been tested for HIV, 100% believed themselves to be HIV-uninfected, and 22% (secondary Internet male partners) to 43% (primary male partners) reported not using condoms during last anal intercourse. While U.S. MSM were more likely to not use condoms (42% for secondary Internet partners to 67% for primary male partners), most (88%) had been tested for HIV (.0001 ? p ? .002, all comparisons). Low rates of HIV testing, beliefs about being HIV-uninfected, and significant levels of unsafe anal intercourse could fuel the spread of infection among Indian MSM. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (welles/dem)

Demographic and Sexual Behavior Comparisons of Indian and U.S. Internet Samples of Men who have Sex with Men
ts. dgb artikelen (welles/dem)
Seth Welles ... [et al.].
International Journal of Sexual Health

A descriptive report of selected data collected during the Living Pozitively Support Group Survey conducted by Triangle Project  / Darryn Crowe.

Cape Town: Triangle Project, 2004 - 49 p.: ill.
uitgave: Cape Town : Triangle Project, 2004 - 49 p.: ill.
  1. hiv/aids
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzoeksverslag van de Triangle Project Cambridge University gebruikmakend van onderzoeksresultaten van de living pozitively support group in Zuidafrika naar: 1. Demografische en economische gegevens van de respondenten en de invloed van de hiv-status op hun financiën. 2. Gegevens over spiritualiteit en religie, psychische kenmerken, houding ten opzichte van hun dokters en de mate van tevredenheid over hun seksleven. 3. Manieren om te ontstressen en soort seksuele activiteit van de deelnemers.

signatuur: cat. (crowe/des) g

A descriptive report of selected data collected during the Living Pozitively Support Group Survey conducted by Triangle Project
cat. (crowe/des) g

A survey of LGBT Americans : attitudes, experiences and values in changing times

Washington, DC: Pew research center, 2013 - 157 p.
uitgave: Washington, DC : Pew research center, 2013 - 157 p.
  1. attituden/opinies
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: An overwhelming share of America's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults (92 %) say society has become more accepting of them in the past decade and an equal number expect it to grow even more accepting in the decade ahead. At the same time, however, a new nationally representative survey offers testimony to the many ways they feel they have been stigmatized by society.

signatuur: cat. (surve/lgb)

dgb grijs

A survey of LGBT Americans : attitudes, experiences and values in changing times
cat. (surve/lgb)dgb grijs

Encuesta Centroamericana de vigilancia de comportamiento sexual y prevalencia del VIH/ITS en Poblaciones Vulnerables : Hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres : ECVC Honduras.

Tegucigalpa: Secretaría de Salud Publica de Honduras, 2008 - 39 p.
uitgave: Tegucigalpa : Secretaría de Salud Publica de Honduras, 2008 - 39 p.
  1. hiv/aids
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzoek naar de factoren die een rol spelen bij de hiv-epidemie onder mannen die seks hebben met mannen in Honduras.

signatuur: cat. (encue/cen)

dgb grijs

Encuesta Centroamericana de vigilancia de comportamiento sexual y prevalencia del VIH/ITS en Poblaciones Vulnerables : Hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres : ECVC Honduras.
cat. (encue/cen)dgb grijs

Sexual behavior and sexually transmitted diseases among Saramaka and Njduka Maroons in the hinterland of Suriname : final report  / Julia Terborg & Karin Boven.

Parimaribo: Prohealth, 1999 - 137 p.
uitgave: Parimaribo : Prohealth, 1999 - 137 p.
  1. hiv/aids
samenvatting: Results of a study on factors that influence sexual behavior and sexual transmitted diseases among Maroon and indigenous populations in the hinterland of Suriname.

signatuur: cat. (terbo/bov) g

Sexual behavior and sexually transmitted diseases among Saramaka and Njduka Maroons in the hinterland of Suriname : final report
cat. (terbo/bov) g

The role of the state and public opinion in sexual attitudes and demographic behaviour  / Organisateur: A.M. van der Woude ;

Paris: CIDH, 1990 - 524 p.:ill.
uitgave: Paris : CIDH, 1990 - 524 p.:ill.
  1. beleid/politiek/wetgeving
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Verschillende bijdragen : A: The role of the state and public opinion in sexual attitudes and demographic behaviour. A1: Pre- and extra-marital sexual behaviour and sexual intercourse. A2: Sexual knowledge. A3: Retreat of sexuality into the private domain. B: Norms, attitudes and legislation relating to sexual underground life. B1: Prostitution, rape, incest, bestiality. B2: Homosexuality/masturbation. C3: Divorce. C: Attitudes and legislation relating to marriage and divorce. C1: Population policy. C2: Legal degrees of marriage. D: Attitudes towards coïtus, fertility and mortality. D1: Birth control, neo-maltusianism. D2: Motherhood, husband's role and childcare. D3: Child abondonment

signatuur: cat. (role/sta) g

The role of the state and public opinion in sexual attitudes and demographic behaviour
cat. (role/sta) g

Politica, Derechos, Violencia y Diversidad Sexual : Primera Encuesta Marcha del Orgullo y Diversidad Sexual, Santiago de Chili, 2007  / Jaime Barrientos ... [et al.].

Rio de Janeiro: Centro Latinomericano de Sexualidad y Derechos Humanos ; [etc.], 2008 - 80 p.+ bijl.: ill.
uitgave: Rio de Janeiro : Centro Latinomericano de Sexualidad y Derechos Humanos ; [etc.], 2008 - 80 p.+ bijl.: ill.
  1. lhbti-beweging
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzocht wordt waarom deelnemers meelopen met de gay pride mars in Santiago, waar ze vandaan komen en hoe ze leven, en wat hun ervaringen zijn op het gebied van discriminatie, geweld, uitsluiting en behandeling in het dagelijks leven.

signatuur: cat. (polit/der)

dgb grijs

Politica, Derechos, Violencia y Diversidad Sexual : Primera Encuesta Marcha del Orgullo y Diversidad Sexual, Santiago de Chili, 2007
cat. (polit/der)dgb grijs

Levels of empowerment among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender [LGBT] people in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa  / Helen Wells.

[Pretoria]: OUT LGBT Well Being ; [etc.], 2006 - 19 p.
uitgave: [Pretoria] : OUT LGBT Well Being ; [etc.], 2006 - 19 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzoek naar de leefsituatie van LHBT-ers in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

signatuur: cat. (wells-h/lev/kwa)

dgb grijs

Levels of empowerment among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender [LGBT] people in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
cat. (wells-h/lev/kwa)dgb grijs

From blues to rainbows : the mental health and well-being of gender diverse and transgender young people in Australia  / Elisabeth Smith ... [et al.].

Melbourne: La Trobe University, 2014 - 96 p.: ill.
uitgave: Melbourne : La Trobe University, 2014 - 96 p.: ill.
  1. transgender
samenvatting: Breed onderzoek naar het welbevinden en geestelijke gezondheid van transgenderjongeren.

signatuur: cat. (from/blu)

dgb grijs

From blues to rainbows : the mental health and well-being of gender diverse and transgender young people in Australia
cat. (from/blu)dgb grijs


( DE:"demografische kenmerken" )

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